Socrates Morilla

Socrates Morilla has been with SEIU for 17 years and currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Data Systems and Analytics Department. In this capacity, he supports the work of three Assistant Directors who oversee Capacity (supporting organizers on their campaigns); the department’s Analytics and Engineering work; and DSA’s internal cross team work as well as their vendor relationships. Socrates also sits on the Together We Rise (TWR) Senior Team and oversees SEIU’s Member Capacity work. He recently accepted responsibility for the development of a new tool,, that allows members to pay dues directly to their local. The goal of this project is to build a new muscle within SEIU that will prepare our union for future threats that may come from anti-worker organizations.
What Socrates enjoys most about his position is that we are always on the front lines in so many fights. As a result, he's been able to do so many different things and learn so much with so many great people.