Natacha Aurora Ferreira Reyes

Natacha Aurora Ferreira Reyes has been with SEIU for 16 years and currently serves as a Senior Campaign Coordinator in the Healthcare Division managing field work with six locals for a National Hospital contract campaign in 35 facilities across the country. Natacha coordinates work with several healthcare locals on the deployment of members and staff for actions and campaign events. She also recently began working with Local Organizing Directors to support them on their 20% organizing plans and strategies to ensure work is aligned across locals and campaigns within the Healthcare Division.
Throughout her career with SEIU, Natacha has worked on organizing campaigns with homecare, nursing home, municipal and hospital workers in locations spanning from California to Florida, Puerto Rico and Canada – campaigns that brought thousands of workers into the union. Natacha has had the opportunity to travel to Argentina and the Dominican Republic through the union’s global organizing work where she participated in and facilitated trainings as part of an exchange of strategies and best practices to learn about organizing structures in different countries. Natacha was born in the Dominican Republic and grew up in Puerto Rico, so being able to give back what she has learned from the union to the countries where she was born and raised is a gift to her.
What Natacha enjoys most about his position is "getting to know local union members and staff while developing relationships with them. Being part of teams aimed at creating strategy and making plans that will help locals organize more workers into the union, and being able to achieve their goals brings a lot of satisfaction to the work I do."