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Justice For Immigrants

Instead of ripping apart families and destroying local economies, our government should focus on fixing the root causes of our broken immigration system.



A Call to Action in Tornillo

I never imagined that I would need to go a protest in my country because my government made the active decision to forcibly separate young children from their asylum-seeking parents.

We Can Keep Families Together

SEIU members are calling Congress to protect immigrant families

Lalo Garcia reflects on 25 years of raising America

"Because as an immigrant, I know you don't have to be afraid."

Lalo García reflexiona sobre los 25 años llevando adelante a los Estados Unidos

"Porque como inmigrante, sé que usted no tiene que tener miedo."

Fighting for the American Dream: An Immigration Story

She saw her nieces and nephews separated from their parents for 30 years

Army veteran and union leader Terry Wade organizes across cultures

“The language barrier is tough, but they light up when they see my ‘SEIU’ sign."

After walking 100 miles, they hoped their last steps would shake the Capitol.

As the pope reached Washington, participants in 100 Women, 100 Miles did too.

It's #ImmigrantHeritageMonth! Join us to celebrate our diversity as a nation of immigrants!

In recognition of Immigrant Heritage Month, we're celebrating SEIU Local 105 Vice President of Property Services, Patricia Robles.



iAmerica is a source of empowerment for American immigrant families of all walks of life, providing the tools and support to be informed, inspire change and impact America’s future.

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