We don't just ask candidates to check a box -- we protest, call, knock on doors, tweet, chant, fast and even engage in civil disobedience to actually move candidates and shape the debate.

It’s Time to Restore the Voting Rights Act
Our votes are how we voice our vision for the path of our families and our communities.

Countdown to Election Day–Spotlight: Michigan
A message from SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry

Louisiana’s Working Families Deserve Liberty and Justice
Justice should be for everyone, no exceptions

Countdown to Election Day–Spotlight: Nevada
A message from SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry

Countdown to Election Day–Spotlight: Illinois
A message from SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry

Fight for $15 activist getting out the vote for the right to join a union
Fighting for a better future for her kids

Racial profiling spurs SEIU Local 503 member into action before the midterm election
"We need to prevent profiling and keep our local law enforcement resources focused on local issues"

Countdown to Election Day–Spotlight: New York
A message from SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry

Countdown to Election Day Spotlight: Florida
A message from SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry