The steward as retired member connection.
SEIU really believes in keeping members involved in the union after they retire. The union needs all the help it can get, and retired members are the people with the experience. They've seen it all.
If your local union has a retired members club, you've probably seen them in action, especially in community service, picket lines, voter registration, and get-out-the-vote drives. (In political and organizing campaigns, retired members are awesome.)
As the person in daily contact with the members at the worksite, you can help a lot by letting the union know when workers are going to retire. That way, we can be sure to let them know about SEIU's retired members program.
Some things you and your local union should be doing:
- When a member is planning to retire, someone should personally let them know about the retired members program and invite them to join. SEIU has a lot to offer retired members & and retired members provide an important source of strength for the union.
- Don't forget, retired member dues can be checked off from pensions in most public systems and in some private plans.
If your local union needs help getting its retired member program rolling, just call the SEIU Retired Members Program. (And ask them for some of the "Sign Up Retired Members" kits while you're at it. It's got everything you need.)