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How Do I Win a Union?

Wondering how organizing a union works in the real world? The process might not be simple but it is possible.


Workers need good union jobs!

Workers need good union jobs!

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SEIU Members Are Voting For A Better Life For Our Families

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We are the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a union of about 2 million diverse members in healthcare, the public sector and property services who believe in and fight for our Vision for a Just Society: where all workers are valued and all people respected—no matter where we come from or what color we are; where all families and communities can thrive; and where we leave a better and more equitable world for generations to come.

Join the fight!


Women’s Summit kicks off! It’s been a powerful journey so far! Let’s reflect on the impact we’ve made and the fire we’ve ignited.

Together, we are unstoppable!

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