Lavender Caucus Bylaws
The Lavender Caucus is the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Intersex/Questioning (LGBTQIA+) Caucus of the Service Employee International Union.
Our purpose is to facilitate open and respectful communication between the LGBTQIA+ community and the labor movement, by:
A. increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ rank-and-file activists, officers and staff members in their unions and workplaces, and in work actions;
B. creating a visible SEIU presence within the LGBTQIA+ community;
C. educating SEIU members, staff and leadership about LGBTQIA+ issues;
D. educating the LGBTQA+ community about labor issues and supporting workers’ rights within that community.
E. networking with other labor and community groups to build a strong, visible coalition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists;
F. supporting the AFL/CIO constituency group Pride at Work (PAW), acting as a liaison between SEIU and PAW and working with other International LGBTQIA+ organizations;
G. organizing against all discrimination, specifically including discrimination based on sex or gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or perceived orientation and/or marital status;
H. promoting and facilitating LGBTQIA+ active participation and leadership through union democracy and rank-and-file development.
It is the intention of the International Lavender Caucus to reflect the diversity of SEIU in our board and officers. This will be achieved through education, outreach and recruitment.
Membership in the SEIU Lavender Caucus is open to any SEIU Local, member or member of SEIU;s retiree organization who supports our purpose, and to other supportive individuals by invitation of the chairs or the International Lavender Caucus Board Members shall pay dues at a rate established by the International Board and published on the Caucus membership page on the SEIU official website.
A International governing board shall consist of 4 delegates from each SEIU region. Each region will determine its own process for electing delegates, but delegations should include equal numbers of members who are male, female, those of distinct gender and lack thereof when possible. Notice of elections with a list of current membership shall be sent to the International Board at least 30 days in advance and election procedures shall ensure private yet verifiable voting methods. For the purpose of gender parity, transgendered and intersex persons shall be considered as a member of the gender for which they identify.
The International board shall elect from among its members an Executive Committee consisting of the following officers:
- Two Co-Presidents
- One female, one male or someone of distinct gender or lack thereof. Each from a different region whenever possible.
- Two Vice Presidents
- One female, one male or someone of distinct gender or lack thereof. Each from a different region whenever possible.
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Membership chair
6. Communications chair
7. Legislative chair
8. Community outreach chair
B. Duties of the Executive Committee
1. Co-Presidents: Work together to: represent the SEIU International Caucus in official capacity; coordinate and facilitate communications between different locals, geographical areas, specific projects, etc., facilitate meetings; act as chief spokespersons in dealing with the International and other organizations; put their names on documents of official business.
Co-Presidents shall appoint interim Board members to fill vacancies, and appoint Committees (standing or special) as needed and subject to affirmation by a majority of the Board at the next scheduled meeting.
2. Vice Presidents: In coordination with the co-Presidents: represent the SEIU International Caucus in official capacity; coordinate and facilitate communications between different locals, geographical areas, specific projects, etc., facilitate meetings; act as spokes persons in dealing with the International and other organizations; put their names on documents of official business.
3. Secretary: minute taker at meetings, phone conferences, etc.; responsible to ready said minutes for mailing to members, work in coordination with the Executive Committee to facilitate bulk mailings.
4. Communications Chair: Coordinate SEIU webpage updates for the Caucus with International staff, maintain and promote social medial accounts, posts and feeds and with the co-Presidents and International staff with press releases and other communications pertaining to LGBTQIA+ labor issues from the Caucus and International.
5. Treasurer: Maintain accounts in coordination with the International; track yearly allotment, membership dues, other receipts, donations, etc. as they are received; track and pay bills as they are due; prepare statement of accounts on a monthly and a quarterly basis, and present them at meetings when held.
6. Membership Chair: Maintain SEIU International Lavender Caucus brochure; work with local, regional and International rank and file activists and staff to identify and contact SEIU LGBTQIA+ members; work in coordination with the Executive Committee to send announcements and coordinate necessary bulk mailings.
7. Legislative Chair: Will monitor legislation affecting he LGBTQIA+ community and offer recommendations for, and coordinate, the actions we should take.
8. Community outreach Chair: Will facilitate coordination with other LGBTQIA+ community members to bring awareness of the benefits of unionization to the broader community.
These eight elected persons together with four regional liaisons shall form the Executive Committee of the SEIU International Lavender Caucus. Together, they are responsible for making caucus decisions that have to be made between meetings. They set times, places, and tentative agendas for caucus meetings, and make sure notices of meetings go out to members, as well as any other mailings. They also report to membership on any action taken between meetings, represent the caucus in dealings with the International, and to work with the International staff assigned to the caucus.
All Executive Committee and International Board members shall help promote membership growth and outreach and may report on their efforts at each board meeting.
C. Elections: Selection process of the Lavender Caucus Board will start four weeks before start of Internationals convention. Nominations to commence four weeks prior to the convention. Candidates are required to complete a candidate statement. Take nominations through the convention. Send out ballots two weeks after the convention. Allowing two weeks for return. Counting of the ballots to be completed no later than two weeks after that.
D. Voting Delegate: All members of International Lavender Caucus shall be eligible to vote.
E. Caucus Meetings: International Lavender Caucus meetings will take place at each SEIU International Convention. Interim caucus meetings will be held on as needed basis, and may be held in conjunction with SEIU Regional Conference Conventions, SEIU Regional Civil and Human Rights Conferences, SEIU Regional Women’s Conferences, or during Pride At Work or other affinity groups to which we have great alliance.
F. Executive Committee board meetings: Shall be held at least quarterly, via telephone conference, and in-person meetings at least yearly, in coordination with an SEIU Convention, Conference etc., if at all possible.
G. It is the responsibility of delegates to attend meetings including Board conference calls and maintain communication with caucus Co-Chairs and have no more than three (3) consecutive unexcused absences by a Board Co-Chair from Board meetings or events. Three (3) unexcused absences will be equal to a resignation from the Board.
H. Removal for cause by two thirds majority of the board. For actions that cause egregious damage to the caucus or SEIU or failure to fulfill the duties of the position.
I. The co-presidents will comply with international union procedures for annual funding requests. Regions must submit annual reports of accomplishments and financial report to the cochairs and treasurer before motions for regional funding are voted on the full international board.
- Jared Reece, Western Region
- Nicole Crist, Western Region
- Travis Simon, Eastern Region
- Debbie Springer, Western Region
- Kaki Marshall-Bird, Western Region
- Marie Elder, Eastern Region
- David Ott, Central Region
- Mary Smith, Central Region
- Alan Gordon, Eastern Region
- David Zeller, Central Region
- Parker Cagle-Smith, Central Region
- Kelli Jenkins, Eastern Region
Updated May 2024
Updated Feb 04, 2025