By Nursing Home Worker Shantonia Jackson, CNA from Chicago, IL
It almost goes without saying, and it’s something we all know: nursing home residents must be well cared for. After all, many of us may one day need this care, for ourselves or a loved one.
Now, thankfully, due to the relentless advocacy of caregivers across the country (the majority of whom are women of color like me), long-overdue nursing home reform is upon us! And your personal stories will take this critical step across the finish line!
On September 1, for the first time in history, the federal government issued a proposed staffing rule that all U.S. nursing homes will be held accountable to. The proposed rule contains key provisions that would require all nursing home owners to:
1. Follow minimum staffing standards that keep residents and workers safe.
2. Ensure that public funding is spent on staffing and in ways that allow caregivers to give our residents the best care possible.

The days of irresponsible nursing home owners jeopardizing the health and safety of nursing home workers and residents must end now.
There, I said it. Irresponsible nursing home owners are making this
staffing crisis worse. They’ve squeezed every ounce of profit instead of
investing in quality care and good union jobs. And it's frontline
workers like me who claim this moment to speak our truth.
Please help to ensure the Biden administration's proposed rule is
strengthened, finalized and implemented with rigor by calling these
greedy corporations out!
Share your nursing home story and share why we desperately need a strong federal minimum staffing level and accountability for nursing home owners:
Then, stay in the loop: text StaffUs to 787-753