This week’s #WalkoutWednesday focused on racial justice and lifting up working people who are taking action right now for #BlackLivesMatter, police accountability, and ensuring that our elected officials are being held accountable.
Watch this important conversation featuring SEIU leaders like Minneapolis Laborer Henry Scott who has personally experienced police brutality and who says Black men are even more vulnerable now due to face mask coverings, and Minneapolis Airport Wheelchair Agent Glen Brown who talked about how he or one of his Black sons could have easily been George Floyd. Hear more from Florida School Bus Driver Rhonda Miller who noted, "I've experienced racism first hand. My family has had to navigate being made to feel like our lives aren't relevant." And don't miss California Department of Education Programs Consultant Bobby Roy who spoke to the importance of solidarity among Blacks and Asian Pacific Islanders, as well as to the way communities of color can show up for each other.