Home care worker Coston Plummer from SEIU Healthcare Illinois calls on presidential candidates to commit to a Fight For $15 and a Union.
Plummer, who supports his brother with a disability and his mother who uses a wheelchair, recognizes the benefit of raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. “$15 means not having to think about what bills to pay. Not to worry about services getting disconnected because we can’t make ends meet,” said Plummer, who attended AARP’s presidential forum in Iowa to urge candidates to support working people.
Plummer also recognizes that we need unions to fight for a better tomorrow. “When we fight together, we have the power to change things,” he said. In July, Plummer and 49,000 home care workers in Illinois received back pay from a 48 cent raise they won through their union in 2017. “Getting that check proved to me the power we have when we stick together in our union and when we hold our elected officials accountable — and I am more determined than ever to keep fighting,” he said.
As a home care worker, Plummer and others are also fighting back against a new rule from the Trump administration designed to take away workers’ right to a strong union. “It doesn’t matter where we work, or what job we do, we all deserve workplace protections and the right to join together in strong unions,” he said. Plummer wants every candidate seeking the presidency to stand strong with home care workers and all workers. “We all must fight for $15 and a Union!”
Together, we’re calling on every presidential candidate to commit to a future of higher wages and unions for all!