The Supreme Court will soon make a decision in the Janus v AFSCME case, brought by billionaires and corporate CEOs as the latest attack in their 40-year war on working families.
That’s why tens of thousands of workers across the nation are joining together and standing up for the good, union jobs America needs.
Together we’re saying: No court case, no legislation, no propaganda campaign can stop us from sticking together in our union.
Workers like day-care provider and SEIU Local 99 member Agustina García who is making her voice heard and vows to not let any court case stand in the way of our fight for the good, union jobs our families, communities and country need.
In Agustina's own words:
"They don’t want us to join the union because there’s strength in numbers and the stronger we are, the more difficult it is for bosses—and politicians—to ignore our demands. We are individuals who love teaching and caring for children, but our work and dedication are often not recognized and thanks to our union it is being recognized but, there’s still much work to be done.”
Read more about Agustina here.