Holidays are a happy time with friends and family for many of us, but they can also be stressful and expensive. Too many families find themselves worrying about medical bills or leaving illness untreated because they don't have the healthcare coverage they need. This holiday season, make sure your family has access to affordable, quality care. Sign up at by December 15.
We all need the security of knowing we can see our doctor and care team, get good preventive care and important tests or screenings. When working families have access to the healthcare coverage we need, we have greater peace of mind, less stress, and less worry because we know if sickness or illness comes our way, we are ready.
New healthcare plans at are more affordable than you might think. In fact, most people can find plans between $50 and $100 a month. Many people even qualify for financial assistance.
And please help us spread the word. Tell your family and friends to visit before December 15 to learn about healthcare coverage options. Time is running out.