Hey America. When you hear the words “Social Security”; what do you see?
If you see this, you’re not alone.

It’s a common myth that Social Security is only relevant to seniors. After all, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law Aug.14, 1935, to address elder poverty in our nation.
However, our nation’s most successful government-run program is as diverse as our population. If you really want to see what Social Security looks like, ask SEIU members and their families:

Social Security looks like protection for both younger and older Americans
“I know how important Social Security is to both younger and older
Americans. I received Social Security survivor benefits as a teenager
when my father died. My benefits went towards my college tuition."“I’m now full retirement age but I don’t want to retire from my job until I’m 70 so I can receive maximum benefits. My wife and I are counting on these benefits for our retirement. We’re planning on it.” — Andy Klatt, adjunct instructor, Boston

Social Security looks like strong families
“I don’t know what my family would have done without Social Security benefits. My father died in 1958; leaving my stay-at-home mom with three children ages 4, 9 and 11.
“Our Social Security survivor’s benefits helped my mother provide for our family. They provided me with the money I needed to be the first person in my family to attend college. Social Security also gave my family faith in our government being there for its citizens.” — Robert Fairchild, electrician, Brookline, Mass.

Social Security looks like a dignified retirement
“Social Security is a great help to me—let me tell you. I’m glad I have it. I only get $105.78 a month in pension benefits from my old factory job.
“If it wasn’t for Social Security benefits, it would be really rough. A lot of people I know depend on it. That’s why we do a lot of fighting to preserve it.” — Jody Weinreich, retiree, Allentown, Pa.

Social Security looks like the American Dream
“As a former recipient of Social Security survivor benefits, I can tell you that these benefits mean the world to millions of Americans. There’s a lot of myths about people who receive Social Security; but their simply untrue. Social Security isn’t a hand out; it’s an earned benefit that we pay for.
“Social Security recipients aren’t lazy people. We’re Americans who paid our taxes and earned a decent retirement. We’re veterans who fought to protect our everyday freedoms. We’re Americans born with disabilities or have become disabled due to unforeseen circumstances; and we’re children who deserve a shot at a good future regardless of our past.” — Tanisa Smith-Symes, telemetry technician, Las Vegas