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Sara Lonadro,

Issued June 13, 2020

SEIU’s Henry: Justice for Rayshard Brooks Means Holding Police Accountable

In response to the killing of Rayshard Brooks by a police officer in Atlanta, where police are represented by a union affiliated with SEIU, SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement:

“I am heartbroken and outraged that yet another Black man has died as the result of an encounter with law enforcement. I hear from SEIU members every day who tell me they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was brought to tears on Wednesday as a member told me about how her 11-year old son was harassed by the police.

“SEIU stands against anti-Black structural racism in every form, and we believe that until Black communities and other communities of color are safe and can thrive, we will not have justice for all in this country. 

“Justice for Rayshard Brooks means conducting a fair and transparent investigation, holding the involved officers accountable for any wrong-doing found, and making bold systemic changes that reimagine the role of police and the criminal justice system.”



Updated Jun 13, 2020