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Sara Lonardo,

Issued August 26, 2019

SEIU President Mary Kay Henry Statement on Appointment as Co-Chair to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Future of Work Commission

“It’s time to create new ways for working people to join together and build the bargaining power they need to negotiate for better jobs and lift up their communities. Too many people across California – and our country – are working two or three jobs, struggling to make ends meet, while corporate executives make record profits. America’s outdated labor laws haven’t kept up with our changing economy and are useless to most people working service and tech-driven gig jobs. We need to bring workers, the private sector, and government to the table to address longstanding economic obstacles for communities of color and immigrant communities and to make sure every working family – Black, white, and brown – can thrive. 

On behalf of SEIU’s two-million members, one-third of whom live and work in communities across California, and millions more workers in the Fight for $15 and a Union, I am honored to serve as co-chair on Governor Newsom’s Future of Work Commission to ensure that the economy of the future doesn’t leave workers struggling under the exploitations and exclusions of the past. I will work with my fellow co-chair and commissioners to ensure that California continues to lead the way in building economic power for working families. As the fifth largest economy in the world, California can chart the course in the United States and around the globe to ensure economic success in the private sector and economic success for working families go hand in hand.”


Updated Aug 30, 2019