Sara Lonardo,
Issued February 15, 2019
SEIU’s Henry: Emergency declaration is an abuse of power, illegally undermines our nation’s democracy
Washington, D.C.—SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement on President Trump declaring a national emergency at the U.S. Southern border:
“America is a nation built on respect for our shared values, and a compact between our elected leaders and the people they represent that our leaders will faithfully uphold our laws. With today’s announcement, President Trump is deliberately causing chaos and division, and illegally undermining our nation’s democracy. There is no emergency at the southern border, and pretending otherwise erodes our nation’s fundamental values, our laws and our constitution.
“The real crisis in America is people working full-time who can’t support themselves, immigrant families being torn apart and working families who struggle to afford the healthcare they need. Working people are sick of attempts to distract and divide us by scapegoating immigrant families and blaming them for all of our nation’s problems. They sent that message loud and clear in November and now President Trump is trying to undermine their will.”
Updated Feb 15, 2019