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Sara Lonardo,, 202-730-7332

Issued August 12, 2017

SEIU’s Henry: Racism, bigotry, violence cannot be tolerated

WASHINGTON—SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement condemning Saturday’s attacks by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va.:

“SEIU members condemn the violence spread by white supremacists in today’s deadly terror attack. Our hearts are heavy with grief for the families who are now dealing with the death or injury of a loved one.
“This tragedy is a reminder that as a nation, we have yet to address the long legacy of racism and slavery that is deeply embedded in our history and experienced in our present day. We cannot be silent and must speak out against the violence and intimidation we have seen in Charlottesville and far too many other cities. Working people must, and we will, join together and organize our communities to eliminate racism at all levels and create a world where everyone, no matter the color of their skin, can participate, prosper and reach our full potential."


Updated Aug 12, 2017