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María Ponce,, 202-394-2139

Issued February 03, 2017

SEIU’s Sáenz: Justice prevails for our Muslim brothers and sisters

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to a federal judge’s decision to temporarily stop President Trump’s immigration ban, which targets immigrants who are Muslim, SEIU International Executive Vice President and iAmerica Action President Rocio Sáenz issued the following statement:

“Today, justice for our Muslim brothers and sisters has prevailed. We stand united to protect all immigrants from Trump’s dangerous policies that have unleashed needless suffering on hardworking families, who provide quality healthcare to our children, our sick and the elderly, and secure and clean our offices and airports."

“I’m so proud that just this week, the SEIU filed an amicus curiae brief in this case supporting the State of Washington’s Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order against President Trump’s Executive Action that targets Muslims.  

“The brief describes the profound adverse and discriminatory effects of the Executive Order that is wreaking havoc on the State of Washington and its residents—including SEIU members.  Members like homecare worker, Halima, who is originally from Somalia and now a naturalized U.S. citizen.  Halima describes how her friend's husband, a green card holder, was turned around at the airport and deported back to Somalia before she had a chance to even see him.  Halima says, “If they can treat people with green cards and visas the way they treated these people, who knows if they will come after naturalized citizens next? No one is safe.”

“SEIU members and our communities won’t let President Trump’s misguided actions stop us from fighting for our values as Americans. We will use our collective power in the days and months ahead to prevent deportations, protect immigrants and refugees, and fight for a say in the economic and political system rigged against us by bad corporate actors and extremist politicians.”


Updated Feb 03, 2017