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Sara Lonardo,, 202-730-7332

Issued February 26, 2017

SEIU’s Henry: With election of DNC Chair Perez and DNC Deputy Chair Ellison Working Families’ Issues Will Lead a United Democratic Party

Washington DC – SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement on election of Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as Chair and Rep. Keith Ellison as Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee

"For working families demanding a say in America’s economic and political systems at this pivotal time in our democracy, DNC Chair Tom Perez and DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison will unite the Democratic National Party and get to the important work of rebuilding a party in which the needs of America’s working families lead.  

“Together, Chairman Perez and Deputy Chair Ellison, the first Latino Chair and the first Muslim Deputy Chair, represent the beautiful diversity that represents the American people. Both Chair Perez and Deputy Chair Ellison have been champions for working families and the millions of brave service workers fighting for higher wages and a say in their workplace through the Fight for 15 movement.

“At a time when working families and our communities are under incredible attack by self-interested politicians bent on building an America for corporations, SEIU members, our families and communities are ready to get to work with Chairman Perez and Deputy Chair Ellison to fight for a future where where all families and communities can thrive.”


Updated Feb 26, 2017