Beau Boughamer,, 202/765-9143
Issued October 04, 2016
New TV spots lift up families and dreams, take Trump to task for what he has said about Latinos: ‘He doesn’t know us’
SEIU/iAmerica Action’s $3 million buy delivers key message in Spanish to voters in Florida, Nevada: Hillary Clinton respects us
To an aspiring teacher, and to a mom and dad reading to their toddler, Donald Trump’s words hurt.
“Donald Trump está trayendo odio, división... y una falta de respeto dentro de nuestros hogares.” “Donald Trump is bringing hate, divisiveness and disrespect into our homes.” That’s the sentiment underscored by two new television ads that contrast the love and optimism of Latino families with what Trump has said about them during his racist campaign.
The Spanish-language ads, which begin running today in Miami, West Palm Beach, Tampa, Orlando and Fort Myers in Florida and Las Vegas and Reno in Nevada, hold Trump accountable for the words he has used. They are the first multi-state television ads this fall from SEIU/iAmerica Action, in partnership with Priorities USA. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), standing with Latino workers and families, says the spots are part of a $3 million television campaign that will continue as October unfolds. The spots will eventually run on nationwide Spanish-language television.
“Hillary Clinton respects us, and as the young man Uriel says in the ad, Donald Trump doesn’t know us,” said Rocio Sáenz, an international executive vice president at SEIU. “These ads remind all of us that so much is at stake for Latino families and for our dreams – and that we have the power to make the difference and stop Trump in Florida and Nevada.”
The spot that will air in Florida is called “Homes.” It shows a peaceful home, happy parents and a beautiful child — and projects onto the walls some of the harmful things Trump has said. “Juntos, podemos detener a Donald Trump. Y apoyar a Hillary Clinton porque ella nos entiende y nos respeta,” the ad concludes. “Together, we can stand up to Donald Trump. And stand with Hillary Clinton, because she understands and respects us.” Click here to watch the ad.
The ad that will air in Nevada is called “Uriel” and features a young Henderson, Nev., man, Uriel Garcia-Escudero, whose father was assassinated in Juarez, Mexico and who came to America with his mother for a better life. “Solamente me falta un año para obtener mi licencia de maestro, que era mi sueño más grande.” “I just have one year to go to get my teaching license, which was my greatest dream,” he says, adding, “(Trump) no nos conoce. No sabe quiénes somos. Nuestra comunidad nunca había sido tan amenazada.” “(Trump) doesn’t know us. He doesn’t know who we are. Our community has never been so threatened.” Click here to watch the ad. Find transcripts and translations below.
Visuals: A neighborhood as parents are getting home from work. Cut to kitchen as parents prepare meals for their kids. On the living room, kitchen and family room walls as they go about their life are Donald Trump’s quotes. As they go about their life. Title: “They’re bringing drugs.”/ “Están trayendo drogas.” Donald Trump Title: “They’re bringing crime.” / “Están trayendo crimen.” Donald Trump Title: “They’re rapists.”/“Son violadores.” Donald Trump Title: “He’s Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.” / “Él es mexicano. Vamos a construir un muro contra México.” Donald Trump Title: “You’re going to have a deportation force.” / “Van a tener una fuerza para la deportación.” Donald Trump Portrait of family standing together, in front of their home. Title: Hillary Clinton: She respects us / Hillary Clinton: Nos respecta Disclaimer: Paid for by SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. SPANISH: Pagado por SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, No autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato. | Transcript (Spanish): VO: Donald Trump está trayendo odio, division, y una falta de respeto dentro de nuestros hogares. Trump: “Están trayendo drogas.” “Están trayendo crimen.” “Son violadores.” “Él es mexicano. Vamos a construir un muro contra México.” “Van a tener una fuerza para la deportación.” VO: Juntos, podemos detener a Donald Trump. Y apoyar a Hillary Clinton, porque ella nos entiende y nos respeta. SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, es responsable del contenidode este anuncio. | Translation (English): VO: Donald Trump is bringing hate, divisiveness and disrespect into our homes. Trump: “They’re bringing drugs.” “They’re bringing crime.” “They’re rapists.” “He’s Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.” “You’re going to have a deportation force” VO: Together, we can stand up to Donald Trump. And stand with Hillary Clinton, because she understands and respects us. SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, is responsible for the content of this advertising. |
Visuals: A young man, Uriel walks down a neighborhood street, then is inside his home, talking to the camera. Title: Uriel Garcia-Escudero DREAMer – Henderson, NV Video of Trump appearing on Morning Joe; title: Vamos a tener una fuerza de deportación Title: Traen drogas, traen crimen, son violadores. Uriel inside his home, talking to the camera. Title: United Against Trump Vote Disclaimer: Paid for by SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. SPANISH: Pagado por SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, No autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato. | Transcript (Spanish): Uriel: Cuando tenía doce años, mi papá fue asesinado en Ciudad Juárez. Mi mamá y yo tuvimos que escaper de la ciudad. Los Estados Unidos es mi casa. Solamente me falta un año para obtener mi licencia de maestro, que era mi sueño más grande. Trump: “We’re going to have a deportation force.” Uriel: Que Donald Trump hable así de nuestra comunidad… No nos conoce. No sabe quiénes somos. Nuestra comunidad nunca había sido tan amenazada. Es tiempo de salir a votar. SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, es responsable del contenidode este anuncio. | Translation (English): Uriel: When I was twelve years old, my father was assassinated in Ciudad Juárez. My mother and I had to escape the city. The United States is my home. I just have one year to go to get my teaching license, which was my greatet dream. Trump: “We’re going to have a deportation force.” Uriel: That Donald Trump speaks that way about our community... He doesn’t know us. He doesn’t know who we are. Our community has never been so threatened. It’s time to go out and vote. SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, is responsible for the content of this advertising. |
Updated Oct 04, 2016