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Issued October 12, 2016

New TV, radio spots connect Heck to college debt crisis

LAS VEGAS — Joe Heck has dangerous ideas when it comes to education, and new television ads explain just how the Republican Senate candidate’s education agenda translates in real life for a young Las Vegas woman. 

The Spanish-language TV and radio spots from SEIU/iAmerica Action begin running today in the Las Vegas and Reno markets. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), standing with Latino workers and families, says the spots are part of a $1 million television and radio campaign that will continue into October.

The Senate race is tight and is a presidential battleground state — and SEIU/iAmerica Action and partners are on the ground and on the airwaves to tip the balance for Catherine Cortez Masto and Hillary Clinton.

The ads feature Jiselle Alvarez, an iAmerica activist who is now drowning in tens of thousands of dollars in college debt but still has not been able to afford to earn her degree. “No tenía los recursos para seguir estudiando… y oír que Joe Heck votó en CONTRA de becas que hacen la universidad alcanzable: es insoportable,” Alvarez says. “I didn’t have the resources to keep studying… and to hear that Joe Heck voted against things like Pell Grants that make college affordable… it’s inexcusable.”

Click here to watch the ad, “Debt”listen to the radio ad; and see translations below. 

Supplementing the radio and television is a six-figure digital buy with three spots – one bilingualone in Spanishone in English – focused on voting in the presidential race. The digital ads have just gone live in Nevada as well as Colorado, Florida, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

“Debt” (TV)


Title: Jiselle Alvarez, Las Vegas

Title: Wanted to work to help at­risk youth/ Quiso trabajar para ayudar a jóvenes en riesgo

Title: Dejó los estudios cuando no pudo pagar la colegiatura/ Dropped out because she couldn’t pay tuition

Title: Deudas con préstamos

estudiantiles/Student loan debt 

Title: HECK VOTED TO CUT PELL GRANTS/Heck votó para recortar las becas Pell

[House Vote 277, 4/15/11; House Budget Committee,


[White House Report,

Republican Budget

Resolutions: Same Failed

Top­Down Economics,

3/18/15; H. Con. Res. 96,

House Vote 177, 4/10/14;

New York Times 4/1/14]

Title: Joe Heck: POLITICA




Disclaimer: Paid for by SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

SPANISH: Pagado por SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, No autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato.

Transcript (Spanish):

Jiselle: He trabajado, sacrificado, y fui la PRIMERA persona en mi familia en ir a la universidad. 

Pero no tenía los recursos para seguir estudiando. Lo que sentí en ese momento, es que ya no voy hacer a mis padres orgullosos de mi...

Ahora tengo deudas con préstamos estudiantiles, pero no un diploma.

Y oír que Joe Heck votó en CONTRA de becas que hacen la universidad alcanzable... Es insoportable. 

Por eso tenemos que votar contra Joe Heck.

SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, es responsable del contenidode este anuncio.    

Translation (English):

VO: I’ve worked, sacrificed, and was the FIRST in my family to go to college.

But I didn’t have the resources to keep studying. What I felt at that moment,

was that I wasn’t going to make my parents proud of me...

Now I’m in debt with student loans but with no diploma.

And to hear that Joe Heck voted AGAINST things like Pell Grants that make college affordable... Inexcusable. 

SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, is responsible for the content of this advertising.


“Debt” (radio)

Transcript (Spanish):

Announcer: Jiselle Álvarez soñaba con darles una mejor vida a jóvenes en riesgo. Ella estudió cuatro semestres en la universidad, pero dejó los estudios cuando no pudo pagar la colegiatura.

Jiselle: He trabajado, sacrificado, y fui la PRIMERA persona en mi familia en ir a la universidad. Pero no tenía los recursos para seguir estudiando. Lo que sentí en ese momento es, ya no voy a poder hacer a mis padres orgullosos de mí. Ahora tengo deudas con préstamos estudiantiles, pero no un diploma. Y oír que Joe Heck votó en CONTRA de becas que hacen la Universidad alcanzable... es insoportable. Tenemos que votar en contra de Joe Heck. 

Announcer: Joe Heck representa una política peligrosa para Nevada y para nuestra comunidad latina. Votemos por Catherine Cortez Masto para el Senado.

Mensaje pagado por SEIU COPE en nombre de IAmerica Action,, que es responsable del contenido de este anuncio. No está autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato.

Translation (English):

Announcer: Jiselle Álvarez dreamed about giving at-risk youth a better future. She attended four semesters of college before leaving her school when she could not afford tuition.

Jiselle: I worked, and sacrificed, and was the FIRST in my family to go to college. But I couldn’t afford to stay in school. What I felt in that moment was, now I won’t be able to make my parents proud of me. Now I’m in debt with student loans but no degree. And to hear that Joe Heck voted AGAINST things like Pell Grants that make college affordable... it’s inexcusable. We have to vote against Joe Heck. 

Announcer: Joe Heck represents a dangerous agenda for Nevada and our Latino community. let’s vote for Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate.

Message paid for by SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action,, which is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.



Updated Oct 12, 2016