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Beau Boughamer,, 202/765-9143

Issued October 19, 2016

New ad flips Donald Trump’s hateful narrative: Latino families say #SomosElMuro, we are the wall that will keep you away from the White House

SEIU/iAmerica Action invests millions in national TV ad reaching Spanish-language voters, who have the

For more than a year, Latino families have heard Donald Trump promise to build a wall. Their response: no, #SomosElMuro – we are the wall that will keep you out of the White House.

A powerful new ad from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)/iAmerica Action, standing with working families, ends with a signature visual: dozens of Latinos linking arms in front of the White House, sending a message: we have the power to defeat you.

The Spanish-language ads begin airing today, hours before the final presidential debate in Las Vegas is likely to focus on immigration. They are running on broadcast television in Miami, West Palm Beach, Tampa, Orlando and Fort Myers in Florida and Las Vegas and Reno in Nevada as well as on Univision, Telemundo, Estrella and MundoMax on national cable. They are part of a continuing $3 million investment by SEIU/iAmerica Action, in partnership with Priorities USA that began earlier this month.

“Tenemos 27 miliones de votos. Y juntos somos el muro entre tu y la presidencia,” the ad concludes. “We have 27 million votes. And together, we are the wall between you and the presidency.”

“No, Donald Trump, you won’t build your wall,” said SEIU International Executive Vice President Rocio Sáenz, “because we are the wall between your hate, your disrespect, your insults and the presidency.”

Click here to watch the ad, “El Muro” (“The Wall”). Find a transcript and translation below.


Trump photo appears on a wall; title: “Vamos a construir el muro”

Voters speak directly to camera in turn (Cut-ins: voters walking arm-in- arm)

Voters link arms in front of the White House


Disclaimer: Paid for by SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

SPANISH: Pagado por SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, No autorizado por ningún candidato o comité de candidato.

Transcript (Spanish):

Trump: “We are going to build the wall!”

Voters (in turn): “No, no lo haras.”

“Porque nosotros somos el muro...

“...entre su odio...”

“...entre su falta de respeto a las mujeres...”

“...entre sus insultos hacia los inmigrantes...”

“...entre las familias destruidas por su plan de deportaciones...”

“...todos los que creemos en un país major.” “Tenemos 27 millones de votos.”

VO: “Y juntos somos el muro entre tu y la presidencia

SEIU COPE, en nombre de iAmerica Action, es responsable del contenido de este anuncio.

Translation (English):

Trump: “We are going to build the wall!”

Voters (in turn): “No... you won’t.” “Because WE are the wall...” “...between your hate...” “...between your disrespect for women...” “...between your insults of immigrants...”

“...between you and families destroyed by your deportation plan...”

“...all of us who believe in a better country.”

“We have 27 million votes.”

VO: “And together, we are the wall between you and the presidency.”

SEIU COPE on behalf of iAmerica Action, is responsible for the content of this advertising.


Updated Oct 18, 2016