Sara Lonardo,, 202/730-7332
Issued July 26, 2016
Democrats are United Behind Clinton; Delegates' Energy and Enthusiasm a Gift That Makes Us Stronger Together
WASHINGTON—SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement on the historic nomination of Hillary Clinton as the first woman to lead a major political party ticket:
“Over the course of this year, working people came out in record numbers to participate in our democratic primary process. They knocked on doors; made phone calls; talked with their friends, neighbors and co-workers; and spoke out at the ballot box. In an economy and democracy that are not working for families, their collective action has shaped and changed the national debate around inequality and what families need to get ahead. In the most consequential election of our lifetime, elected officials and candidates for office are taking note and responding.
“Democrats tonight united and nominated Hillary Clinton as our nominee for President. The energy and enthusiasm of Clinton and Sanders supporters in driving our nomination process--and in building one of the most bold, progressive platforms in modern history--is a gift that makes us stronger together. Standing as one, we will fight, deliver and win for working families this November.”
Updated Jul 26, 2016