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Issued February 09, 2016

SEIU’s Henry: Working families Push ahead into States where Our Communities Have Proven Strength, Will Deliver Tough Wins for Clinton

WASHINGTON—SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement on tonight’s New Hampshire primary results:

“Hundreds of SEIU members traveled from all over the East Coast, even from as far away as Arkansas, into New Hampshire to get the word out about why Hillary is the candidate who will fight, deliver, and win a better future for working families. Our members and their communities know that New Hampshire was only one chapter in what was sure to be a long, hard-fought battle. Every day I hear from working people who know that to win better wages, comprehensive immigration reform, racial justice, and affordable long-term and child care for all families they need Hillary Clinton in the White House. Together with the collective strength of our unstoppable ground force of labor and progressive allies we are pushing ahead into Nevada and South Carolina into March and beyond where our communities have proven strength to win for Hillary and win a better future for working families.”

To hear directly from SEIU members in the field in New Hampshire discuss why Hillary Clinton is the candidate who will fight, deliver and win for working families you can watch their video here.


Updated Feb 09, 2016