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Issued November 18, 2015

SEIU-USWW Members Endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States

In a majority vote of its members, the SEIU-USWW Executive Board voted to endorse the presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

David Huerta, President of SEIU-USWW, issued the following statement:

“After a healthy debate and careful consideration by our Executive Board, SEIU-USWW is moving forward to officially endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. We looked at all candidates both in the Democratic and Republican fields and weighed their positions and public statements against the priorities of our membership.”

“It was clear that Hillary Clinton is the strongest candidate to champion a campaign that aligns with our vision of where our country needs to go and win for all working families,” Huerta continued. “Clinton has been a leader on the core issues SEIU-USWW members care about in this election. She has been an ally in the Fight for 15 movement and has been vocal about her support for workers’ rights at the workplace. She has also led in other issues of critical importance to our members, including fighting for commonsense immigration reform with a path to citizenship, standing up for voting rights and criminal justice reform that prioritizes ending mass incarceration, and supporting and strengthening women’s rights.”

“As the Republican Party candidates engage in a race to the bottom to appeal to the most extreme base of their Party, espousing vitriol against immigrants, unwilling to acknowledge our country’s systemic problems with racial violence, and waging a war against women and working families, this election calls for a strong leadership that can move our country beyond the rhetoric of hate and division that has poisoned our political debate on the campaign trail.”

“We believe that Hillary Clinton’s strong leadership as the next President of the United States can advance a better future for all working families, as we continue to push our platform to advance economic and racial justice and women’s and immigrants’ rights.”


Updated Nov 18, 2015