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Andy Bonior,, 240-899-2388

Issued September 14, 2015

Working families respond to Scott Walker’s proposals to silence their voice

GOP candidate to announce plan to expand Koch brothers measures to entire nation

Monday night at a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Scott Walker will promise that if he were elected president, he would enact several anti-union measures by executive order that would devastate workers rights and silence public employees’ ability to advocate and improve services for the people they serve.

His measures would silence workers such as Ethel Everett, a child protection worker and SEIU member from Springfield, Mass. “With our united voice, front-line social workers and investigators have worked with our government officials to raise standards and improve policies that keep kids safe from abuse and neglect. I can't understand why Scott Walker would propose these measures that would make it harder for us to advocate for the children and families we servethis work is just too important," Everett said.

Taitana Anderson, a home care worker and SEIU member from Wisconsin, also knows the dangers of Walker bringing the policies of his home state to the entire nation. [H]e promised more jobs than he has delivered, he called the minimum wage ‘lame' and he even had the idea of a living wage deleted from state law,” she said.

Another member of SEIU from Wisconsin, LatanyaWilliams, a certified nursing assistant, said recently of Walker: “I work hard, and I love my community and my family. That includes my union family. Why did [Walker] compare working people like me to ISIS and Vladimir Putin? How are working people in Wisconsin the enemy?”

SEIU members such as Everett, Anderson and Williamsknow that big corporations and the wealthy few like the Koch brothers have been using politicians such as Scott Walker to rewrite the rules in their favor at the expense of everyone else—leaving the rest of us without a voice to fight for the things every American deserves: fair wages, strong schools, quality child care and home care services, and safe streets.


Updated Sep 14, 2015