Beatriz Lopez,, 202-412-7396
Issued August 14, 2015
SEIU Applauds Another Victory: A Second Court Dismisses Challenge Against President’s Immigration Action
WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit threw out Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s lawsuit against President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. This is the second court decision – following the dismissal of Crane et al v. Johnson – that upholds the president’s immigration policies.
Two other cases, Texas v. U.S. and Arizona Dream Act Coalition v. Brewer, have not been decided. In the Texas case, the 5th Circuit has not ruled yet on the preliminary injunction, which has suspended DAPA and expanded DACA.
Rocio Saenz, SEIU’s International Executive Vice President, responded to the court’s decision:
We applaud the court for rejecting Mr. Arpaio’s lawsuit. Undeniably, this legal victory tastes even sweeter against one of the most defiant opponents of immigrant families.
Twice, the courts have upheld the president’s executive actions on immigration. While two other cases remain to be determined, we are confident that this long, legal journey ends with justice.
The immigration action is constitutional in the eyes of our law. Plain and simple.
Updated Aug 14, 2015