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Beau Boughamer,, 202-765-9143

Issued February 02, 2015

SEIU's Henry: President's Budget Would Ensure Working Families Benefit as Economy Recovers

WASHINGTON--In response to the release of President Obama's fiscal year 2016 budget, SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement:

This budget would ensure the economic recovery benefits working men and women--not just the wealthy few. Its smart investments in jobs, child care, pre-school, K-12, higher education and healthcare would ensure more people would share in America's growing prosperity. And its tax changes for individuals underscore the need to ensure that the ultra-rich pay their fair share.

"This budget frames the choice we have right now in America. We can invest in the future to reward work, raise incomes and foster shared prosperity, or go back to the past, to the stale ideas embedded in the Republican budgets: trickle-down economics that rig the game for the wealthy. The choice is easy, and President Obama's budget is right to put working families first.

"President Obama also emphasized that Congress should pass a responsible bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security. It's time for Republican leadership to quit playing politics with immigrant families and with national security."



Updated Jul 15, 2015