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Beau Boughamer, | 202-765-9143

Issued December 10, 2014

SEIU's Henry to Congress: Don't Weaken Protections Against Too-Big-to-Fail Banks

WASHINGTON, DC--Catering to the too-big-to-fail banks, the Republican leadership is trying toive the nation's biggest banks the opportunity to once again gamble using taxpayer dollars, just like they did when they crashed the economy.

The provision at issue would roll-back aritical anti-bailout provision in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.t would allow banks once again to use insured deposits and other taxpayer subsidies and guarantees to gamble in the derivatives markets. These are exactly the kind of financial shenanigans that drove the 2008 financial crisis and the economic devastation that followed.oo-big-to-fail banks that gamble and lose would once again be eligible for government bailouts.

We call on members of Congress of both parties to oppose this harmful roll-back of a critical taxpayer protection.

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Updated Jul 15, 2015