Karen Backus, 404-229-7592 karen.backus@seiu.org
Issued November 11, 2014
SEIU's Henry on King v. Burwell: Dismantling the law not a solution to working families who are struggling every day with healthcare costs
Washington, D.C. - Following today's announcement by the United States Supreme Court that it will review King v. Burwell, one of several pending court cases challenging tax credits for people who have purchased insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act, SEIU President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement:
This is just one more pointless attempt to dismantle a law that the majority of Americans want to keep and strengthen.
"Just one week before millions of American will start signing up for healthcare coverage through the federal marketplace, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a lawsuit that would strip the tax credits that finally made healthcare affordable to millions of hard-working men and women.
"The fact is, the Affordable Care Act is working. In the past year, 16 million Americans signed up for affordable coverage through the healthcare exchanges or Medicaid expansion made possible through the healthcare law, including greater numbers of Latinos, African Americans, and young people who tend to fare worst in our current economy. Seniors are benefiting too.
"The working women and men of SEIU intend to seize this moment before the healthcare marketplaces open on November 15 and focus on how to ensure more working people, Moms and Dads and young people can gain affordable health insurance that will give them greater financial security and peace of mind."
Updated Jul 15, 2015