Tyler Prell, 202-730-7278
Issued May 15, 2014
SEIU's Henry: Fast Food Strikers Fighting for Economy That Works for All of Us
WASHINGTON, DC - Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement in support of fast food workers in the U.S. and across the world who are striking and staging actions to call for higher pay and respect for workers:
The fast food worker movement is a story about hope. It gets bigger as each month goes by because a growing number of Americans are worried about finding jobs that pay enough to live on.
"Americans know that it's wrong that so many families have no financial security, no matter how hard they work.
"Americans know that inequality is destabilizing the economy. Communities are out of balance because of the falling wage floor.
"These workers are fighting for $15 per hour because that's a wage that will allow them to cover their basic needs and help lift our entire economy. By putting more money into the pockets of workers in fast-growing service sector jobs, we can get our economy moving again and rebuild the middle class.
"The movement continues to gain support and these workers are determined to fight for a better life and to stick together in a union. We are all better off when people whose work makes their companies profitable share in the success their work creates."
Updated Jul 15, 2015