Tyler Prell, 202-730-7278
Issued April 30, 2014
Minimum Wage: Another Vote Against Working Families
WASHINGTON, DC - After a minority of Senators blocked consideration of a bill which would have raised the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10, Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement:
Today's vote is another sad chapter in the history of obstructionism in the U.S. Senate. Raising the minimum wage for 28 million American workers should be a no brainer, yet a minority of Senators prevented it from going forward. In the face of such obstructionism, Senators Reid and Harkin deserve credit for keeping this important issue in the national spotlight. It's important to remember that the minimum wage has fallen far behind inflation as productivity has risen, yet workers have been unable to share in the fruits of their labor because corporations are hoarding profits and holding down wages. Some Senators may disagree, but people who work full-time should be able to support their families and live off their wages. Simply put, America needs a raise.
"However, while raising the federal minimum wage would be an important step toward raising wages, government can't do everything. The private sector has a responsibility too. We're already seeing some companies voluntarily raising their employees' wages and that is a sign of progress that will hopefully develop into a trend that pays more workers a living wage."
Updated Jul 15, 2015