Diane Minor (202) 431-1445; Meghan Finegan (617) 284-1116
Issued November 01, 2013
SEIU's Henry On the Obamacare" Week That Was:"
"As Americans prepare to turn their clocks back one hour Saturday night, House Republicans intent on repealing the Affordable Care Act this week attempted to turn back the clock and take away American's healthcare. Extremists in Congress want to go back to the bad old days when insurance companies could drop Americans if they had a pre-existing condition"- such as diabetes, cancer or even pregnancy.
"Delaying the benefits of the Affordable Care Act is not a plan, it's a political tactic. House Republicans have no real plan for moving forward and fixing or strengthening our healthcare system, except to allow insurance companies to do whatever they want, whenever they want. After endangering our economy and global standing, now they persist in wasting time and taxpayer dollars for an entire week's work.
"In stark contrast, millions of working women and men get up and work every day to make this country run--providing care in our hospitals, cleaning our schools and buildings, teaching our kids and caring for our seniors. Millions more are still looking for the kind of job that will provide for their family. They don't waste time and House Republicans shouldn't either."
Updated Jul 15, 2015