Tyler Prell, 202-701-5796
Issued November 21, 2013
Majority Leader Reid Right to End Era of Obstructionism
WASHINGTON, DC - After the U.S. Senate voted to end the ability of a minority of Senators to block most Presidential nominees by using the filibuster, Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) issued the following statement:
We fully support Majority Leader Reid's action to end the era of Republican obstructionism in the Senate. For too long, a minority of Senators have prevented dozens of qualified nominees from being confirmed, often for petty political reasons or for no reason at all. The impact of this obstructionism has been felt by working people as critical positions in the government and on the courts have been left unfilled, including the nomination of Rep. Mel Watt to lead the Federal Finance Housing Agency. Other important nominations on hold include(d) the three vacancies on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit where there are three extremely qualified nominees awaiting a fair vote, Professor Nina Pillard, Judge Robert Wilkins and Patricia Millett. We thank Majority Leader Reid for taking this courageous step and look forward to seeing President Obama's nominees receive fair up or down votes in the Senate."
Updated Jul 15, 2015