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Jenice R. Robinson, 202.277.8750

Issued November 29, 2013

BLACK FRIDAY FOR RETAILERS, BUT 'BLUE' FRIDAY FOR MILLIONS OF WORKERS Low-Wage Workers Pay High Cost to Pad Already High Corporate Profits

Following is a statement by SEIU President Mary Kay Henry in support of Walmart workers, other working people and their community allies who will join 1,500 protests across the nation in one of the largest mobilizations of working families in American history. Tens of thousands of people will call on Walmart to end illegal retaliation and publicly commit to improving labor standards, including providing workers with more full-time work and $25,000 a year.

While retailers such as Walmart pull out all the stops to entice consumers this holiday season, far too many of the men and women stocking the shelves, organizing the displays and ringing up purchases will struggle to pay their household expenses. The average wage of $8.80 an hour for a Walmart employee leaves workers lucky enough to get 40 hours a week living in poverty.

"Today's protests are a necessary reminder that our low-wage economy simply is not working. These rallies are part of a broader movement for living wages that began picking up steam a year ago with strikes at fast food restaurants in New York City and rallies at Walmart stores. The movement has spread to cities across the country as more workers recognize the enormous power of uniting to demand a better future with living wages.



Updated Jul 15, 2015