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Meghan Finegan (617) 283-8597; Diane Minor (202) 730-7332

Issued October 30, 2013

SEIU's Henry on Day Two of Republican Sham Healthcare Hearings: Look to Massachusetts Today Instead of Washington for Real Bipartisan Healthcare Solutions

Extremist Republicans in Congress, including House Speaker John Boehner, yesterday gave up any pretense of caring about fixing or strengthening the rollout of affordable healthcare options under the Affordable Care Act and made it clear that their sole goal is to eliminate the law and deny health coverage and protections to 100 million Americans.

Instead of joining in sham hearings convened by far-right members who have no record of improving healthcare for their constituents or lowering healthcare costs, , mainstream Republicans and Democrats should instead look to Massachusetts. Hard-working Americans who once couldn't find affordable health insurance today are standing side-by-side with President Obama in highlighting the state's landmark health insurance law ("Romneycare") and how well it is working for working people years later.

The fundamental ideas informing the Massachusetts law came from Democrats and Republicans working together, along with healthcare providers, faith leaders, labor and business leaders.

Across our country, SEIU members are finding that in states where governors , mayors and elected officials reach across the political divide, Americans are getting the facts and resources they need to gain the security of healthcare coverage. But in states where Tea-Party fueled officials set up hurdles, hard-working Americans are being left behind.

There should be no place on Capitol Hill today for such cynical and terminal solutions to fixing any flaws in our best hope in a lifetime for extending quality, affordable healthcare to millions more Americans"



Updated Jul 15, 2015