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Tyler Prell, 202-730-7278; Beatriz Lopez,, 202-412-7396

Issued May 17, 2013

Positive Signs from House on Commonsense Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, DC - Amid reports that the bipartisan group of members of the House of Representatives has reached a tentative deal to move forward on immigration reform, Eliseo Medina, International Secretary-Treasurer of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement:

As momentum to enact commonsense immigration reform continues to grow, the news of an agreement in principle among the bipartisan group in the House is a welcome development and unprecedented. These members deserve credit for overcoming their differences and finding common ground that will help set the framework for immigration reform in the House.

"Despite this tentative agreement, it is the responsibility of the House leadership to make sure this bipartisanship continues and that a truly bipartisan and smart bill with a roadmap to citizenship emerges from committee and goes to the floor."



Updated Jul 15, 2015