Tyler Prell, 202-730-7278
Issued May 16, 2013
House ACA Repeal Vote: What Are We Paying Them For?
WASHINGTON, DC - As the House of Representatives prepares to hold a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Mary Kay Henry, International President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement:
According to Speaker Boehner, the Affordable Care Act is 'the law of the land.' But that hasn't stopped him from allowing the 37th attempt to repeal it. This is just a political charade. Today, members of Congress will vote to take away the healthcare benefits that Americans of every age and from every walk of life are counting on. This is about House members putting their political agendas before the health of seniors and working families who built this country and earn their paychecks one hour at a time.
"Voters have the right to ask, 'what are we paying them for?'"
Updated Jul 15, 2015