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Tyler Prell, 202-730-7278

Issued January 16, 2013

SEIU's Henry on President Obama's Plan to Reduce Gun Violence

WASHINGTON, DC - After President Obama released his plan to reduce gun violence, Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement:

We are thankful for the President's leadership in addressing the twin crises of gun violence and access to mental health treatment that so often play a part in tragedies like the shooting last month in Newtown, Connecticut.

"Whether at a school or a hospital, SEIU members believe that the right to a safe, secure workplace should be fundamental for all workers. When nurses, mental health providers, social workers and school security guards go to work every day, they should never have to worry about getting hurt or losing their lives. Unfortunately, our members have been deeply affected by violence in the workplace. Four SEIU members, healthcare and mental health providers, were recently killed on the job. We hope the President's executive orders and Congressional action will build upon our ongoing work to promote safety in hospitals and promote a culture of safety, not just in our workplaces, but in and around our country with a focus on gun violence in particular.

"In addition, unaddressed and severe mental health issues have been a common thread in too many recent mass killings. We are heartened that the President has taken executive action to launch a national dialogue about access to mental health treatment in our country among and introduced other important measures seeking to address this crisis.

"We are committed to working with the President and Congress in the coming months to improve public safety and our mental health system in an effort to prevent future senseless tragedies."



Updated Jul 15, 2015