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Beatriz Lopez 202-412-7396

Issued December 04, 2012

SEIU Applauds Calls by Former President Bush and Conservative Leaders to Congress to Reform the Immigration System

WASHINGTON, DC -- In his first major speech on immigration since leaving office in 2009, former President George W. Bush called on Congress to debate immigration with a benevolent spirit and keep in mind the contributions of immigrants." His comments, delivered in Texas, came as 250 influential, conservative leaders from the faith, law enforcement and business communities gathered in Washington, D.C. to push Congress to overhaul the immigration system for the good of our families, communities, churches, and economy.

The message could not be any clearer: creation of a common sense immigration system makes moral and political sense, and Republicans will be driving their party into extinction if they don't act. SEIU's International Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina issued the following statement about the ongoing immigration discussions:

"At separate meetings, President Bush and the conservative leaders representing conservative constituencies underscored the moral and economic needs for comprehensive immigration reform.

"Businesses understand how immigrants help drive the economy; pastors have seen the growing diversity of their congregants that include immigrants from all over the world; and law enforcement officers have seen in the neighborhoods they patrol how community policing is enhanced when residents do not fear being separated from families through unjust deportation policies.

"Republicans in Congress need to listen to these messages and do what is right. For years they have wrongly feared the politics of comprehensive immigration reform but President Obama proved in the recent election that immigration reform is not the third rail of politics. Support for his candidacy from the Latino community skyrocketed as he embraced reform in his second term and a strong majority of all voters tell pollsters they favor reforms that allow the current undocumented immigrants to legalize their status and eventually become citizens.

"It is time for Congress to ignore the vocal minority of immigration restrictionists and solve the moral, human and economic crises stemming from the current immigration system. In the process, they could deliver a political win that benefits all sides of the debate."



Updated Jul 15, 2015