Gebe Martinez, 202-714-2136; Beatriz Lopez, 202-412-7396
Issued November 14, 2012
SEIU's Eliseo Medina: The voices of the voters have reached Washington.
WASHINGTON, DC - Following President Barack Obama's remarks today on
immigration reform, SEIU's International Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina
issued this statement:
The voices of the voters have reached Washington.
"We share President Obama's confidence that comprehensive immigration
reform will soon be done and we are pleased that he expects to see a bill
introduced in Congress as soon as his next term begins in January.
President Obama also reiterated that the immense influence of the Latino
vote has spurred Republicans to reengage in an issue that, until recent
years, was not a partisan issue.
"SEIU looks forward to the president's leadership on comprehensive
immigration reform that includes earned legalization with a pathway to
citizenship and other elements mentioned by the president."
Updated Jul 15, 2015