Christine Lamitina / (414) 573-5511/ or Mark McCullough / (202) 730-7283 /
Issued May 09, 2012
SEIU: Next Stop, Recall Walker
Milwaukee - Dian Palmer, a nurse for more than 25 years and now President of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare Wisconsin released the following statement on Tom Barrett's primary victory tonight:
In Scott Walker's drive to destroy the rights of Wisconsinites to bargain for a better life for themselves and their children, he has destroyed our economy and sent our state in the wrong direction.
"That is why the goal has always been, and continues to be, reclaiming Wisconsin by recalling Scott Walker. Tonight we are one step closer to achieving that goal.
"Tom Barrett has shown a genuine commitment to working families in our state. His job creation and economic development initiatives are the real leadership our state needs in this recovering economy.
"And he has shown a real desire to know what it takes to work and raise a family in the real world, spending a day on the job as a home care worker in Stevens Point, learning the challenges they and their clients face and getting a closer look at what it takes to make it in today's economy. Scott Walker has never accepted our open invitation to spend the day in the shoes of a worker and is blind to what real Wisconsin is like.
"Tonight's results prove that Tom Barrett has connected with working families across the state and as governor will restore our shared Wisconsin values by uniting people across the political spectrum to solve our tough problems together."
Updated Jul 15, 2015