Meghan Finegan: 617-283-8597,
Issued March 01, 2012
SEIU Healthcare: Americans Will Remember Who Stood Up for Women's Health Care Today
Washington, DC – L. Toni Lewis, MD, Chair of more than 1.1 million healthcare workers of the Service Employees International Union, released this statement today following the Senate vote to defeat the Blunt amendment. The amendment would have permitted corporations and insurance companies to deny health care -- including contraception -- to their employees for virtually any reason.
“Extremists in Congress thought they could silence the voice of working women and men this week. Instead, they ignited a firestorm of voices in support of women’s health and in support of the healthcare law.
“They thought Americans would not notice that the Blunt amendment would put corporations and insurance companies in control of their personal health care decisions. They were wrong.
“Working women and men will remember who stood up for better health care for Americans today and who stood in the way.”
Updated Jul 15, 2015