Tyler Prell, 202-701-5796
Issued March 06, 2012
Loss of a Champion: SEIU Mourns Rep. Donald Payne
WASHINGTON, DC - After learning of the death of longtime New Jersey Congressman
Donald Payne, Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International
Union (SEIU) released the following statement:
I was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Representative Donald Payne. On
behalf of SEIU's 2.1 million members, including our members and leaders in New
Jersey, I extend our deepest condolences to Representative Payne's family and friends.
"During his impressive tenure in Congress, Representative Payne was a true
and tireless champion for working families. The first African-American elected to
Congress from New Jersey, Representative Payne was an original sponsor of our
efforts in Congress to raise standards for public school contracted cafeteria workers.
When working families needed his help to organize 8,000 janitors in New Jersey,
Congressman Payne, not only talked the talk, he walked the walk, writing letters to
building owners, announcing new recognition agreements and attending membership
"His leadership and dedication to social justice will be sorely missed."
Updated Jul 15, 2015