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Issued March 06, 2012

GOP Presidential Candidates Pose Super Threat to Working People

Washington, D.C. - Mary Kay Henry, president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement today in reference to Super Tuesday primaries:

While the country watches to see who will emerge the winner tonight, the only thing "super" about the moment is the "super" threat that each of the GOP presidential candidates pose to the American people.

"There should be no illusions and no intrigue about any of Republican presidential candidates' misguided agendas for working people. Each GOP primary candidate has made it clear they want to double down on policies that do nothing to help working families or the more than 23 million Americans looking for work. Instead, they advocate for policies to protect loopholes and tax breaks for millionaires and large corporations; policies that give free reign to the Wall Street banks that wrecked our economy; and anti-immigrant policies that promote discord and strife.

Our country simply can't afford that approach. If there's one thing that's clear this election: Working people need and want elected officials to fight for:

Good jobs NOW;

Making the rich and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes;

Quality public services; and

Creating a pathway for citizenship for every immigrant worker.

While the stakes may be high for each candidate tonight, the stakes are even higher for the American people. It's time for candidates to put the needs of the 99 percent above extreme political ideology and offer real plans that provide real relief."



Updated Jul 15, 2015