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Mark McCullough, (202) 730-7283 |

Issued July 19, 2011

SEIU: Congress Votes To Subcontract Their Own Jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed H.R.2560, the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act:

House Republicans have developed a habit of shirking their responsibilities so they can stand idly by, collect a paycheck and watch as someone else makes the tough choices. The latest example - today's job-killing balanced budget amendment - allows them to dodge their responsibilities while putting the American Dream farther out of reach for future generations.

"Let me be clear - we will fight in this amendment every step of the way, from Washington to every state house across the country. We elect people to Congress to make the tough decisions, not to find inventive ways to outsource them. If they don't want to do the jobs they were elected to do, they should choose another line of work. Now more than ever, we need leaders - in both parties - who will stand up for working families and get America back to work.

"Congress should be focused on creating jobs, not finding ways to do away with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Congressional Republicans are avoiding putting all options, including revenue generation, on the table to address our budget deficit. Republicans want to turn our economic clock back to fit their ideology instead of working to win the future. This job-killing agenda of cut and gut economics is unacceptable."

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With 2.1 million members in Canada, the United States and Puerto Rico, SEIU is the fastest-growing union in the Americas. Focused on uniting workers in healthcare, public services and property services, SEIU members are winning better wages, healthcare and more secure jobs for our communities, while uniting their strength with their counterparts around the world to help ensure that workers--not just corporations and CEOs--benefit from today's global economy.



Updated Jul 15, 2015