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CONTACT: Brendan Duke (202) 285 8903

Issued March 10, 2011

SEIU's Henry: Walker's Desperate Manuever Proves This Was Never About the Budget, May Have Illegally Denied Wisconsinites a Voice in the Process

Washington, D.C.--SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry released the following statement in response to tonight's vote in the Wisconsin Senate on the Substitute Amendment to Special Session Assembly Bill 11 to strip public employees of their voice at work:

Tonight, Scott Walker made it crystal clear to the people of Wisconsin -- and the entire nation-- the extent he will go to in order to pay back billionaires such as the Koch Brothers and bad actor corporations that want to destroy the middle class. This legislative gimmick proves Walker's attack on the middle class was never about balancing the budget; it was always about stripping workers of a voice and rewarding the cronies who helped finance his campaign."

"It was so important for Walker to move this legislation in the dead of the night, that he and Republican legislators may have illegally denied the people of Wisconsin their right to adequate notice to be involved in this process. In the end, Scott Walker turned a deaf ear to the tens of thousands of courageous nurses, environmentalists, students, faith leaders and others who stood up for a brighter vision of Wisconsin that values fairness, rewards hard work, and provides quality services to those who need them."

"From denying working people the right to have a voice, to failing to create the jobs that Wisconsinites so desperately need, Walker has proven time and again that his first priority is rewarding the Koch Brothers and corporate interests, not the people of Wisconsin."

"Scott Walker and Wisconsin Republican senators may have rammed this anti-middle class legislation through tonight, but over the past three weeks they ignited a movement in Wisconsin and nationwide that remains even more committed to creating a stronger, more fair and promising vision of America. No amount of legislative maneuvers will ever quell their determination to stand up for that vision."



Updated Jul 15, 2015