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Teddy Davis, 202-730-7349,

Issued November 09, 2010

Statement by SEIU President Mary Kay Henry on Speaker Pelosi's Candidacy for House Democratic Leader

Washington, D.C. - SEIU President Mary Kay Henry issued the following statement on Speaker Pelosi's candidacy for Democratic leader:

When others might choose to cut and run, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has decided to stay and fight. The janitors, nurses, child-care providers, and other members of SEIU have a leader and a fighter in Pelosi and will be well served by her as House Democratic Leader.

"Under her leadership, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to stem the massive job losses which were occurring when President Bush left office while providing a tax cut to 95 percent of working Americans.

"With Pelosi as Speaker, the House passed historic health-insurance reform legislation to extend health-care coverage to 32 million more Americans while lowering health care costs over the long term.

"Pelosi also led the Congress to pass strong Wall Street reforms to rein in big banks and protect consumers.

"When Democrats were last in the minority, it was Pelosi who played a leading role in stopping President Bush's effort to hand Social Security to Wall Street.

"In the months ahead, working families can count on Pelosi to fight for tax breaks for families who are struggling to get by and to oppose new tax giveaways to millionaires and billionaires.

"Working families can also count on Pelosi to stand up to the Big Banks who want to go back to writing their own rules and to the Big Insurance companies that want to go back to picking and choosing who to cover.

"With Pelosi as House Democratic Leader, working men and women will have a strong partner in the fight for good jobs."



Updated Jul 15, 2015