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Teddy Davis, 202-730-7349,

Issued October 21, 2010

Nevada's Working Families Call Out Sharron Angle as 'Too Dangerous to Have Real Power over Real People'

New SEIU Television Ad Examines Angle's Impact on Women

Washington, D.C. - Today, the nurses, home-care workers, child-care providers, and other members of the Service Employees International Union launched a television ad examining the impact that Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle would have on women.

The ad, which is called Phases," features women at different stages of life and raises questions about what Angle's policies would mean for them.

"Sharron Angle's dangerous ideas will make HER life worse at every stage," says the ad's narrator. "If she was raped and got pregnant, Angle would force her to have the baby. Her college loans - ended. If she is looking for work, it's tough luck with Sharron Angle. At retirement, her Social Security - phased out."

"At every stage, it would be worse for her - worse for all of us. Sharron Angle: too dangerous to have real power over real people," the narrator concludes.

The new ad, which is paid for by SEIU COPE, will air on broadcast and cable television in Reno from Oct. 21 - Nov. 1. The size of the ad buy is $225,000.

"Sharron Angle is too extreme for Nevada," said Al Martinez, the president of SEIU Local 1107 in Nevada. "Working families are knocking on doors and making phone calls for Harry Reid because he will strengthen the middle class and invest in job creation."

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Updated Jul 15, 2015