Lori Lodes, (202) 368-6584
Issued June 08, 2010
Arkansas Senate Race: Lesson that Working Families Will Hold All Elected Officials Accountable
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Statement from SEIU President Mary Kay Henry on tonight's primary runoff election results in Arkansas:
All around this country, there are hard-hit families worrying about how to pay next month's mortgage or rent. They are using credit cards to pay for basics like food and utility bills. They are watching their hours cut and more and more jobs disappear. And they are looking for leaders who are going to stand by their side to turn the tide that is threatening to engulf American workers.
"Tonight, Sen. Lincoln won a narrow victory after a bruising runoff election where each and every day she was reminded that her success is only measured by doing right by working people and their families.
"Working families all over Arkansas supported Lt. Governor Bill Halter's bid to be their Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate because he spoke up for them and the issues that matter: jobs, financial reform and making this economy work again for people who work.
"The tens of thousands of volunteers and activists have made their point loud and clear: If you stop fighting for working families, working families will stop fighting for you."
Updated Jul 15, 2015